Saturday, October 1, 2011

10 Things That Make Me Question One's Character

1. When someone says, "I don't like excuses, but..." followed by an excuse.

2. When someone says, "I'm not racist, but.." followed by a racist statement.

3. "I don't like to talk about people, but..." followed by some juicy gossip.

4. When dog owners allow their canines to crap in your yard and cover it with leaves rather than pick it up.

5. If someone is a New York Yankees fan.

6.When someone says, "I've got a college degree. I don't have time for this sh*t. Can I get you some more water."

7. When people cut in line at the grocery store and say, "I'm in a real big hurry." 

8. Spandex

9. Facebook

10. When employees leave their dirty dishes in the sink in the Teacher's Lounge.

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