Thursday, March 3, 2011

10 Holiday Traditions

1. We always throw carrots on the roof for the Reindeer.

2. The first kid to wake up, usually Kevin, would bang a metal pot with a wooden spoon, and wake up the rest of the family. Then we open presents.

3. You must go to the mailbox, wearing only the clothes you received as gifts.

4. If you say, "Christmas Eve's Gift," to another family member first, they must give you a gift to open on Christmas Eve night.

5. We take turns opening presents. Each person must hold up what they got, and have their picture taken with the giver of the gift.

6. Everyone must be in the room until all presents have been opened.

7. A pickle ornament is hidden on the tree. The first adult to find the ornament receives $20.

8. On Christmas Eve, my sister gives us each a gift to hold while she reads a story. Every time she says, "the" or "and," you must past the gift to your left. At the end of the story you open your gift.

9. No playing with any gifts, until all gifts have been opened.

10. Here is a new tradition to be voted upon. I say we go through all of dad's DVD's, and find the one's that are still in the shrink wrap. I'm sure we gave him most of these movies over the years. Then let's divide them up, wrap them, and give them to him for Christmas this year. Repeat as necessary.

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