Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Truth (as I Was Taught) about 10 Historical Myths

1. Columbus did not have to convince individuals that the earth was round.

2. Edison did not invent the lightbulb. He did however patent it in 1880.

3. Nero did not fiddle while Rome burned. He wasn't even in the city when it burned.

4. Daniel Boone did not wear a coonskin cap. It was made of Beaver.

5. George Washington was not the first president.

6. Witches were not burnt at the stakes in Salem. They were hung.

7. The U.S. did not gain  Independence July 4, 1776. It was not until 1783 that Independence was officially recognized by Britain.

8. James Cook did not discover Australia. Abel Tasman was there like 100 years earlier. Ever heard of Tasmania?

9. Britain won the War of 1812. False. The United States won the War of 1812. False. Neither side was victorious, and nothing really changed.

10. Betsy Ross did not design the flag. She probably sewed it though.

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