Monday, February 7, 2011

10 Apologies

1. Walter Tucker, I'm sorry for taking your can opener.

2. Walter I'm sorry for selling your can opener online.

3. Abby, I'm sorry for using the last of the creamer.

4. To my brother, I'm sorry for stealing the baby title away from you.

5. To King Saver, I'm sorry for stealing the chalk candy from your Allen, TX location.

6. To Lindsey, I'm sorry for telling you, "Ranch dressing in a trash can with no liner is no big deal."

7. To Bill, I'm sorry for eating one of your cajun flavored potato chips, and putting them back like nothing happened.

8. To my wife, I'm sorry that I cannot commit to the laundry hamper.

9. To Lauren and Henry, I'm sorry for parking in your parking place.

10. To mom, I'm sorry I smoked in your car in 1997.

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