Saturday, February 12, 2011

10 Signs That You Will Not Get a Good Tip

1. The sound of a velcro wallet.

2. Teenage laughter.

3. "Could you find our server? We're ready to leave."

4. If you bring out the check before the food

5. If you here the customer digging for change

6. If a customer asks to speak to the manager

7. If a customer backs their car in, and asks to sit at the table closest to the door

8. If a customer asks, "Could you please turn the radio off so we can here the game?"

9. If you notice a table sneaking a nip off a bottle of whiskey that they brought from home. "I'll just have a Sprite. Diet if you've got it. I'm trying to keep my girlish figure."

10. If you approach the table and someone says, "What's up boss?"

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