Saturday, February 5, 2011

10 Things Mason Kerby says/said

1. "I drank more beers in one week than you guys have in your whole lives, back when I was your age."

2. When  he was first married to my Mother he drove race cars. One night he had a near fatal accident in which he broke quite a few bones. My mom came running towards the wreckage, screaming at the top of her lungs. His response, "Would somebody please tell my wife to shut up."

3. "And another thing, get this shit out of my yard!"

4. "How you paling do?"

5. Whenever his ping pong opponent hits the net during game play, he says, "Netanyahu."

6. " Yes sir Arafat."

7. "I was born to early for this shit."

8. " No matter what you do time passes."

9. "How you doing? I mean that. How you really doing?"

10. "What do you call an Indiana father? Hoosier Daddy."

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